Thursday, March 22, 2012

Famous last words.....

In the world of cyberspace, I won't be surprised if someone comes upon my blog.  I tried to start this is January and could not get myself to post.  I feel today is as good as any to start......What can I say...I am a forty-something year old woman whose world turned upside down last summer.  In all reality, I thought I had the "perfect" marriage.  Wonderful husband, funny, crazy, sometimes a bit over the edge, but I didn't mind that because he complimented my seriousness.  I had been married for 21 - YES, that is right, 21 years.  For our last anniversary, he bought me a strange gift, a bike...he had never been the greatest in the romance department, but at least he always tried.  He had been acting a bit irrational and "spazzing" a bit over little things, but again, I only thought it was because of another situation he had been dealing with.  We had traveled the world together, lived on different islands, had many many incredible friends, young couples and young people looked at us as mentors, something they all wanted in their relationships, their future marriages.  My husband was adored for his goofy, yet true stories....his smarts and his way of dealing with people.  He is a jack-of-all-trades and fluent in three languages.  What happened, is beyond my comprehension, beyond what I could ever understand.  Out of no where, at a wedding, no less, he asks me to go outside with him and proceeds to explain certain things that happened in his childhood, things I never/ever would have dreamed.  He tells me all of this to prepare me for the ultimate betrayal....a 23 year old who I most likely chaperoned on most of their "dates".  Take that for a great novel!!  He now needs to go and straighten everything out so he leaves me to come home with his family....that was the longest trip of my life. At first, he desired to work things out....then came my ultimate betrayal to him. I allowed certain people who needed to know aware of whom and what took place during his childhood.  I could not and would not withhold this information...he hated me and never wanted to work things out!!  9 months later, I stand by my decision and I will never regret what I did.  People can mock and ridicule what I did, but I have no regrets.  My only intention was to help his healing and to be by his side to work this out.  He refused both.  He refused our whole life together and he refused to deal with his pain.  At this point, I am still working on emotions and getting on with my life.  For ANYONE who has had to deal with the "D" word, my utmost sympathy and empathy goes out to you!!  To those, I can only offer my respect , I have admired women such as Jennifer Lopez and Sandra Bullock, those who have shared my same pain as the same time, only theirs has had to been dealth with in public.  My love and my strength has lied only within the support team I have had.  WIthout them I would have not survived. My mother and my siblings amazingly came thru to protect and comfort me.  They have not left my side. I say this as I would have never thought of the ways that they have been my shield.   My faith has been a determining factor in keeping me grounded. My God has been my rock.  Now.....TO THOSE who have felt that avoiding me and treating me as thou I have had leoprasy, all I can say is shame, shame on you!  Most of his family has cut me off, many of our friends we had together now avoid me, going so far as to leave a restaurant when they saw me in there!!  I am sure we could start a huge BLOG about what we have had to endure!!  It has been an amazing journey, but as I close this first blog, I have two quotes that have kept going.............
"I've learned that if someone says something unkind or destructive about me, I must live so that no one will believe it." 
 "A woman is like a tea bag- you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt
***If you are a woman reading this, I suggest you do something for yourself.  Take a roadtrip with a girlfriend and go to Kelly Clarkson's STRONGER concert.  You will find yourself in awe and feel invigorated!! I hope that Kelly C. doesn't mind the borrowing of her song title for my little blog, but's is the only title I could think of that would fit!! Well, now that I finally got this off my chest, I can breath a little....Until next time!!

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